At last the ship gets underway...ok ok there is a rational choice to make at this point about how many boat related jokes to make in a single post. With extreme restraint I shall try and contain (er) myself as I sail through this entry and not make any wav..ok I shall stop it.
I mentioned in my post about making the choice of ship plans that I had chosen the Wargames Foundry ship plans to make a start with. So with some balsa, basswood, plasticard and exciting foam glue, I set off.
The longest bit so far was choosing the materials and cutting everything out. I went for balsa for the main decks, basswood for the sides (not cardboard as recommended). I shall be cladding the thing with some planking for a more 'shiplike' appearance. It caused a suitable amount of desk disarray but this shows everything with gluing commenced. Looking at it makes me realise I am about as tidy as a whirling dervish in a paper shop, but that's life.
Anyway I managed to get the decks in place, here are a couple of shots with the quarterdeck and foredeck in place but not glued together, but they give a decent idea of scale.
Obviously some way to go yet..but pretty pleasing so far. The plans are nice and easy to follow..easier than a Tamyia kit anyway!
Its not going to be a massive ship, but one to scale would be huge and I prefer to think of my pirates scooting round (pirates on that would have made a diorama), in a speedy neat little vessel, not some big bloaty thing that is easy to out run. So..onwards!
Cool boat! And the animals are good too!
What's happened to the blog? No updates since August - please remedy!!!!
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