Sunday, 26 August 2007

Appalling lack of posts..lets remedy that!

Terrible that I did not update the blog last weekend, such neglect, in the spirit of my diorama I should walk the plank (luckily not built yet), but fortunately there are a few new things to indulge in this week, including some new pics and new modelling too.

I mentioned in my earlier entry that my new camera had arrived and also showed off some macro shots. Well I took the 'new eyes' off to the Zoo to try out some outdoor photography.

Results can be seen here on Flickr. (click on the images and then 'all sizes' to see them in a larger and uncompressed format). Requires some signing up (all free, never fear intrepid blog readers), but there is no harm in a Flickr account if you like photography.

I particularly enjoyed these three shots though;

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The sealion picture was taken 'underwater' through a glass viewing screen in a tunnel under the pool, affording a very interesting view! The Lemur was in the new 'Lemur encounter' area where you can get a very close look at these hairy looking beasties with impossibly long tails. Good day out all round, though as with all animal gazing one is never sure who is watching who. I suspect there are some very interesting conversations had between animals after the place closes.

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