Sunday, 12 August 2007

Alice in Wonderland ..the bottle said..DRINK ME.

Well more fun than is sensible with clothes on can be had with a macro lens. Attached to a camera and pointed at things people, keep mind on the job. Not that..ok onto the macro. Basically having this lens is like being Alice..everything normally tiny just got VERY BIG.

Obvious then that new Macro lens arrived this weekend and mighty nice it is too. Took a few test shots to try it out and learned a valuable lesson about needing a tripod, or less shaky hands. Or both.

This is Games Workshop's bear from the Tsar Boris set, the head being about 1cm in real life. I cannot believe that tiny mould line on the jaw, must get that one and eliminate it. Shows the nice smooth undercoat you can get with a can of Halfords car primer though.

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And this is a wasp that landed on a blackberry while I was testing Macro on the drive (as you do). Not bad for a first go, though a tripod would have helped! Its a little on the soft side, but that will teach me to autofocus.

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Normal modelling service resumes shortly!

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