Sunday, 5 August 2007

Its a ship Jim, but not as we know it..

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Finally, after pondering long and hard, I have made a decision about which ship to use. If it takes me this long to make a decision all I can say is thank the Gods of miniature making that we have 3 months to get this thing done!

The plans from Wargames Foundry seem to fit, though I shall probably make a few materials adjustments.

No other pictures, as I am determined to only use my new camera, which has arrived and which is a thing of loveliness (if a bit huge in comparison to my old 530), but due to the dratted postal strikes the CF memory card I ordered has not arrived. So it can do nothing but lurk beautifully about the place like a shiny accessory.

I shall hold out until it does. Honest.

I obtained the above plans in A3 size but they seem a tad undersized, so I shall have to do something about that.

I was also having some random thoughts about sea monsters. As one does. In fact lets face it that cannot be that common, so thank goodness for a competition to use as an excuse.

I doubt I can actually do justice to these in replica, but they provide some decent inspiration. One does look a bit pleasant and friendly, which is not precisely what I was thinking of.

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More later of this..later...and photos of course(come on Posties, back to work with thee!).

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