Sunday, 22 July 2007

From little acorns

Everything starts somewhere. And from little acorns big oaks grow.

Well so the saying goes, but thinking more modestly about it a little shrub or even something that makes it out of the ground will just about do.

There are so many blogs and some have lofty and noble purpose (and some are about porn, sex and death it seems), but this one is really to give me focus. If other people happen upon it or find anything useful in it, well that's a bonus (if we are going crazy with the acorn, growth metaphor, its a few roots added, but one can over do these things).

So..the purpose of this blog is to record progress on models I am making and projects underway. It won't cover my previous work, I'll link to that instead.

Model making..usually renowned as a weird act done by slightly nerdy people. Who are mostly men. Actually a fun way to express creativity. And includes (yes folks this is true)..girls! But I'll defend my hobby later I am sure..

I model in various scales, mostly because I don't game with any of the figures, I just like to paint them. And I am a sucker for a pretty sculpt.

One of the reasons I am blogging is to track progress on my entry for a rather cool competition being run on the forum of doom;

to make a diorama using the figures from a few (if not all) of the participating companies. These are metal figures standing at an average 28mm tall.

Little acorns indeed.

I have a plan..its a grand plan. One always needs a grand plan..and if pesky kids don't get in my way and Sherlock Holmes doesn't foil the idea and there is not a conspiracy to flood my house before I finish or a gap in the space time continuum, I may achieve a little bit of it.

And on the way there will be research and other models and much distraction.

So..onwards. Upwards. And..all that good stuff.

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