Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Best laid plans of mice and modellers..

Well despite my good intentions not to add to my metal pile I ordered some stuff from Heresy, Hasslefree and Black Scorpion for the competition.

Second order with both Heresy and Black Scorpion (got a demon and some cowboys respectively on previous occasions, as well as some pro-create, more of that later) and they were lightning fast yet again with everything arriving this morning.

First order with Hasslefree and as I was paying by Paypal there was a little wait for an invoice (which is understandable), so their stuff is not here yet.

Also placed an order with Anteoniciti for various bits and pieces..really good scenic stuff.

Pics and summary and links (for those wishing to indulge) shortly.

For people who usually don't move outside the more recognised 28mm worlds of the major manufacturers like Games Workshop the small manufacturers will be a bit of a revelation..personal service, very nice quality castings and some really creative work. Always worth exploring.

And started work on the diorama idea and started looking for..pirate ships.

More of that later too.

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